Bay of Islands Auto Marine provides a friendly, professional service dealing will all aspects of automotive servicing and repairs.

Auto Services
As an MTA assured workshop we can service your new car to the manufacturers warranty specifications. We offer the following services:
- General Servicing
- Diagnostics
- Clutch Repairs
- Exhaust systems and Mufflers
- Audio systems supplied and fitted
- Cambelts and Timing Belts
- Radiator repairs
- Brake Repairs and Service
- Cooling System Servicing
- Transmission flush
- Car Batteries
- And much more…
Recovery and Breakdown Service
Murphy’s Law says your car will break down in the worst possible place, at the worst possible time. And there is no worse time than when you’re on holiday with the kids in the car and maybe even with the boat on the back.
Bay of Islands Auto and Marine has a great breakdown service team working with the local towing firms. We’re ready to help whenever you need us and if the issue can’t be fixed at the roadside we can arrange to have you and your vehicle brought to us where we will do everything we can to get you back on the road as fast as possible.
For breakdown assistance call 09 402 6096 or if out of hours (after 4.30pm weekdays) please call 027 459 1004